Episode 26

Published on:

15th Mar 2023

How to Implement Your Thrive Fee and Why I Spent 70K on Coaching

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Welcome back to Therapist Expanded! Today Erin is doing a second solo episode on one of her favourite topics - Fee Setting!

*Hey! What's Your Therapist Fulfillment Flavor? Take the QUIZ to find out and see how much your fulfillment really is like ice cream! 

On a serious note, this quiz could illuminate the beginnings of a path to your fulfillment so take the QUIZ  today and receive curated content just for you! 

I hope you enjoy the podcast! Please Subscribe, share, rate and review if it feels genuine to you!

Erin starts by recapping the last episode about setting a Thrive Fee, and she highly recommends that if you haven’t listened to that episode, start there and return to this one.  Part of her recap for those of you who’ve heard that episode is to remind the listener about the ways that therapists and helping professionals usually set their fees: 

  • Worth: This gets tied into self-worth and doesn’t have anything to do with setting fees but is compelling for the ego
  • Value: Professionals put off raising their fees to what they need to be well and abundant because they want more trainings to feel worthy and like their services are valuable
  • Comparison: This is where professionals start comparing to what others are charging and this is not relevant to the individual’s situation and they have no idea how the other person is setting their fee.
  • Fantasy: This is a step where helping professionals imagine what other people will or won’t pay or can afford.

Erin shares how unfortunately even when people have done the process to discover their Thrive Fee, they often revert back to the mindsets above and have a hard time actually implementing what they need to really stay well and thrive.

She shares a quote about how people will not necessarily get what they dream of, they’ll get what they tolerate. If you want to know what you’re tolerating, look around at the areas of your life you’re not satisfied with. 

Erin believes the Thrive Fee is the answer to ending a lot of this toleration, and she gives some tips for not fudging the numbers and for considering new markets along with not owning what others can pay. She recommends a Google search to show your mind that people are paying what you may be afraid to charge (and especially in other areas of your own region or state that can be marketed to for virtual therapy clients).

She lays out the State, Story, Strategy method to help with actually implementing the new fee. Shifting your state shifts your story which shifts your strategy (you now have access to more options in terms of marketing and setting the Thrive Fee starts to feel more possible, while different ideas arise compared to the state of resistance, fear, and stress).

Erin shares how money story is essential to look at here, and that she shifted her money story by making an investment beyond her consciousness at the time. She spent 70K+ on coaching and it rewired her money story (it was absolutely terrifying). She explains why she actually made this investment and did not expect her money stories to be so affected.

She ends with an uplifting message about what’s truly possible for fee setting in order to help you expand your mind (i.e. people charging a million dollars for their coaching).

Erin shares that she hopes you’ll keep following along on her various platforms to receive a 100% promo code to a Therapist Fulfillment Activation she’s launching at the end of April. Stay tuned!

*Hey! What's Your Therapist Fulfillment Flavor? Take the QUIZ to find out and see how much your fulfillment really is like ice cream! 

On a serious note, this quiz could illuminate the beginnings of a path to your fulfillment so take the QUIZ  today and receive curated content just for you! 

I hope you enjoy the podcast! Please Subscribe, share, rate and review if it feels genuine to you!

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I hope you enjoyed the podcast! Please Subscribe, share, rate and review if it feels genuine to you!

Thank you for listening!!

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About the Podcast

Therapist Expanded
Reaching past industry conditioning to the source of our creative power
Host Erin Gibb is a therapist, clinical supervisor, group practice owner, Therapist Fulfillment Coach, and early adopter of the weird and wonderful.

Through interviews with relatable guests, controversial outside-the-box thinkers, solo episodes, and coaching demos, you'll see how therapists are uniquely conditioned for fear, responsibility and unfulfillment. Therapist Expanded then points the way to reaching past industry constraints to the source of our creative power, because when we therapists dare to live our deepest dreams, we start a mental health revolution.

Wondering how living your core desires freely and fully could start a mental health revolution? Well as Carl Jung said, we'll only take our clients as far as we've gone, and your host has seen the incredible growth of those surrounding a therapist when they courageously dream outside of their conditioning.

So are you curious yet? Join us and let's expand together and watch our field grow!

About your host

Profile picture for Erin Gibb

Erin Gibb

Erin Gibb is a Therapist Fulfillment Coach, group practice owner, clinical supervisor, therapist, and outside the box thinker inciting a mental health REVOLUTION.