Episode 24

Published on:

1st Mar 2023

Power Isn't Force, It's Vulnerability

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In this solo episode Erin talks about the theme of Power that completes the two-sided coin of power and responsibility she believes we need to be aware of in order to live the internal blueprint path of our fulfillment.

*Hey! What's Your Therapist Fulfillment Flavor? Take the QUIZ to find out and see how much your fulfillment really is like ice cream! 

On a serious note, this quiz could illuminate the beginnings of a path to your fulfillment so take the QUIZ  today and receive curated content just for you! 

I hope you enjoy the podcast! Please Subscribe, share, rate and review if it feels genuine to you!

Erin begins the episode explaining how power relates to her mission of mental health revolution, and this two-sided coin of fulfillment and walking the inner path of our desires, relates to how power and responsibility utilized consciously means we can follow the path of our deepest desires. Misused power or over-responsibility means we consistently walk off of our path of fulfillment.

She normalizes us waffling on that path and how we can check in with whether we’re holding full self-responsibility and stepping into our power, or we’re trying to use force, giving away power, or perhaps holding responsibility for others.

Erin describes through her own recent life experiences and stories the difference between power and force. She uses the opportunity here to model sharing openly as powerful. She uses the words “painful exorcism…living in a house of mirrors” about her experience as of late with the journey of Therapist Expanded unfolding.

She describes the nature of her power shoulders and the release of testosterone during what people call power poses, and how teaching assertiveness to clients as therapists is an example of the difficulty we can all have discerning power and force (like discerning assertiveness and aggression).

Erin goes on to talk about how power is truly vulnerable and speaks about Brene Brown and reads this quote from Juliet Trnka; “So asking for what you want starts to look like a really powerful tool to create the life you would love! It’s also super vulnerable! Most of us carry the residue of trauma around the ‘wrongness’ of asking.”

She describes her recent realizations in launching Therapist Expanded and the feelings of this 'trauma residue' and yet choosing to step into her power anyway.

She ends with saying that you uplevel the entire world by stepping into your power.

Thanks for listening!

*Hey! What's Your Therapist Fulfillment Flavor? Take the QUIZ to find out and see how much your fulfillment really is like ice cream! 

On a serious note, this quiz could illuminate the beginnings of a path to your fulfillment so take the QUIZ  today and receive curated content just for you! 

I hope you enjoy the podcast! Please Subscribe, share, rate and review if it feels genuine to you!

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I hope you enjoyed the podcast! Please Subscribe, share, rate and review if it feels genuine to you!

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About the Podcast

Therapist Expanded
Reaching past industry conditioning to the source of our creative power
Host Erin Gibb is a therapist, clinical supervisor, group practice owner, Therapist Fulfillment Coach, and early adopter of the weird and wonderful.

Through interviews with relatable guests, controversial outside-the-box thinkers, solo episodes, and coaching demos, you'll see how therapists are uniquely conditioned for fear, responsibility and unfulfillment. Therapist Expanded then points the way to reaching past industry constraints to the source of our creative power, because when we therapists dare to live our deepest dreams, we start a mental health revolution.

Wondering how living your core desires freely and fully could start a mental health revolution? Well as Carl Jung said, we'll only take our clients as far as we've gone, and your host has seen the incredible growth of those surrounding a therapist when they courageously dream outside of their conditioning.

So are you curious yet? Join us and let's expand together and watch our field grow!

About your host

Profile picture for Erin Gibb

Erin Gibb

Erin Gibb is a Therapist Fulfillment Coach, group practice owner, clinical supervisor, therapist, and outside the box thinker inciting a mental health REVOLUTION.